Smoked Mushroom Dip

We used to pay through the nose at a local high-end grocery for a smoked mushroom dip like this one. It’s darn tasty, and I knew I could duplicate it. Already having a smoker helps.

Doug’s Smoked Mushroom Dip

8 oz. sliced fresh mushrooms, smoked*
12 oz. Whipped Philly Cream Cheese
8 oz. Sour Cream
1/8 t. garlic powder
1 t. onion flakes, ground
1 t. kosher salt
2-3 T. pine nuts, finely chopped
fresh ground black pepper

2 small chunks hickory wood

*Butter a small 10″x14″ baking pan, and spread mushroom slices out in a single layer. Add fresh ground pepper to suit. Place in 235-250° smoker, add smokewood, and smoke for 75-90 minutes. The slices should be cooked, but still slightly firm. Remove and allow to cool. (During a rib cook, I set the pan on top of some foiled ribs, and just threw the wood on top of the coals.)

Chop smoked mushroom slices coarsely (1/4″ – 1/2″ pieces). In a 6 cup bowl, add sour cream, garlic powder, onion, salt, and pine nuts, mixing thoroughly. Add chopped mushrooms and cream cheese, folding together until well mixed. Refrigerate and allow flavors to combine for at least a few hours.

For a thicker, chunkier dip, reduce sour cream to either 4 or 6 ounces, starting with 4 and adding as desired. I like to use 4 ounces.
