Month: October 2007

Garlic & Herb Artichoke Salad

Posted by October 8, 2007

Mrs. D, shortly after being served a dinner salad recently at a nearby cafe, was brought a small bowl of what we both at first thought was a cup of the soup du jour I had ordered that she had not. Turns out it was a part of her salad the chef neglected to put on top. We tasted it and decided not only was it delicious as-is, but I could probably replicate it, which I did. We like to whip up a batch for those evenings we forego a sit-down supper and just nibble on hummus, olives, cheeses, etc.

Garlic & Herb Artichoke Salad

2 14 oz. cans quartered artichoke hearts
2 T. fresh basil leaves
1 T. fresh garlic, minced
2 T. fresh chives
1/2 t. red pepper flakes
1/4 C. EVOO

Drain artichoke hearts well in collander. Chiffonade the basil leaves by destemming, dividing lengthwise and chopping into 1/8″ ribbons. Similarly, chop chives into 1/8″ pieces. In a 6-cup bowl, add olive oil, basil, garlic, chives and pepper flakes. Mash seasonings a bit with a fork to diffuse flavors into oil. Add artichoke hearts, tossing well to distribute oil and herbs. Improves after overnight refrigeration. Yield: 4 cups.